Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sunday and Monday

Spring Break greetings to everyone! I know there are many who are reading from sunny Florida, warm South Carolina, and various other tropical places. As I write this update, I must say that Michigan has not been a bad place to be either! (Up until today anyway!)
Easter Sunday was glorious. Our worship service at Calvary was very meaningful and quite a celebration. My parents finished their drive from Florida to Michigan in our driveway and we shared a delightful meal with them. Randy and I prepared the meal together, something we both enjoy doing, but have not been able to so much of lately.
Monday morning we awoke to fog, rain, and mist, making for a perfect morning to sleep in a little bit. Numerous worms in our driveway and garage greeted us when we did get moving around. It didn’t take long for the sun to come out and start warming things up. I enjoyed the rest of the day by walking with a friend, getting caught up on some paperwork and housework, and then went out front and sat in a lounge chair. I finished a book, closed my eyes and listened to the birds chirp as the warm sun beat down on me.
I was looking forward to watching the final game in the NCAA tournament, but I got a little too sleepy and couldn’t quite make it. Randy said it was another great game.
I have been feeling quite good since the treatment on April 1. The side effects have been about the same as they have been all along. My hair is not growing back in, my fingertips, nails, and lips are extremely dry. The steroids do a number on my tummy as well as my skin color. I am more fatigued than usual. I find that I am very unsure of myself and I double-check nearly everything that I do. I am trying to “take it easy,” but I’m not convinced that I really know how to do that!
Looks like we are going to get a few days of rain around here before the beautiful spring weather returns. Enjoy your spring break, wherever you may be!


  1. You are right, this is perfect sleep in, take a nap, read a book weather, so I hope that is what you will be doing. Glad you are feeling up to doing some "normal" stuff on break. Hope the side effects are minimal and go away soon.

  2. Glad to hear things are going well with you! Today's weather is not quite as nice as the past few days, but it does force you to "lay low". Time to enjoy indoor activities. :) Hope the rest of your week is calm and enjoyable. I'll be checking in!!

    Corla :)

  3. Take it easy girlie! We'll see each other too soon. I'm glad to hear that you're getting through this treatment with minimal side effects.


  4. AHHHHH You are getting "Chemo Brain" Fuzzy wuzzy - kinda funny. I'm not sure how long it lasts but I do find myself still using it as an excuse :)
    Hope you continue to have a good week my friend.


  5. Glad you had a nice Easter, and it sounds like you are doing very well. Who would think you would appreciate worms as much as you do now?! LOL! I could just picture that scene as you described it with your words. We hope & pray that you continue to get better each and every day. love, Pearly, Cindy & Sam xo

  6. Hi Robin-I look forward to reading your posts,it's like talking to you. I am amazed at how you write and your detail, thank you for taking the time to write the way you do!!
    Our spring break is pretty quiet, relaxing and Devin loves sleeping in:)
    Looking forward to going out to dinner tonight!
    I started a new job today, will have to talk to you on the phone about that:)
    I'm so glad you are having some good days-you deserve many of them!!
    Lots of love and hugs to YOU!!!1

  7. Hi Robin,
    It is nice to catch up on you while on break. I am glad to hear that you've been able to spend time with family, soak up some sun, and listen to the birds...precious things that we often take for granted, for sure.
    I've been wanting to tell you that I love the pink head wrap -- Rease said you made it - very cool!
    Keeping you in our daily prayers!
    Melva (& men)
