Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wasted Wednesday

Today was a total waste. When I went to have blood drawn the nurse told me my white blood counts would be at their lowest point today and for the next couple of days, therefore I should expect to feel pretty lousy. I feel as though the entire sunny day was wasted. I stayed in bed until almost noon. Other than a trip to cancer and hematology, I did nothing. I didn’t make it to Kylie’s tennis match or Keagan’s track meet. I didn’t get to school. It makes me MAD to have wasted so much time on such a beautiful spring day! I am SAD that I have cancer and it has effected not only me, but my family, my friends, and my students. I am DISCOURAGED thinking that the next few days may not be much better.


  1. Hi Robin,
    I missed you at school today. At least you weren't with me when someone hit me in the parking lot first thing this morning. I wish I could have stayed in bed until noon! Oh well, this too shall pass. Just remember as 1 Chronicles 28: 20 says: Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. I pray that tomorrow finds you feeling better and well-rested. May you feel God's loving, healing arms around you and your family.


  2. Hi Robin,
    I hope that you are able to clear your mind and sleep well tonight. Tomorrow is a new day and it may be better than today, but it may not. Either way God is with you and a whole lot of people are praying for you! I hope that you feel His love guiding you, giving you the strength you need, and the patience you need to get through this time.

    Love, Krystle

  3. Dear Robin,
    I'm so sorry you are feeling so down. Remember God knows your every need and he will supply...cast all your cares upon him. :) May you rest well tonight and feel stronger and more energetic tomorrow. If not tomorrow, soon!! Praying you will feel God's peace, and that he will give you the courage and understanding you need for the days ahead.

    Corla :)

  4. Sounds like you had a lousy day and needed to voice that. Sometimes that helps, I hope so, maybe a little bit.
    Praying that you have a better day!

  5. Robin,
    I hope today has been a better day for you! I know that we all wish we could take this away and make everything better. Always remember that you have an amazing support group led by God and that we are always here for you, any time of the day or night. Prayers are always with you!
    And, if you ever need a friend to share a glass of wine with, just yell out of your front door!! :) (I can bring the wine!)

  6. Oh Robin,
    I am so sorry. I can only relate by saying I have been so mad this year on nice days b/c I spend all my time this year on school work, missing my kids and God's blessings of beautiful weather, which can be few and far between around here.

    I will pray to God that he will help you to feel strong and healthy as soon as possible this round.

    We had another good friend diagnosed on the 13th and she has a mastectomy on Friday.

    May God bless you and help you through this stretch of your journey.


  7. I LOVE YOU MOMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I will stay home with you any day you need me too. ;)
    I just love you a lot and can't wait until summer when we can spend more time together! Lovvvvvvvveeeeeee,
    Mhmm....maybe....Keagan?! hahah yuppp!

  8. We can only truly experience joy and happiness by knowing pain and sorrow. The last few days have been unfair, but the sun is still shining. You'll be able to enjoy it again soon!

