Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Quick Update

Just a quick update tonight. Everything is going so well and we are so busy, I don't update very often! I'll just let you know what my medical calendar looks like for the next couple of weeks.

Tomorrow: Herceptin (I only have to miss a half hour of school)
Next Tuesday: Dr. Krause (OB check up) I'll be late for school, but I'll be there!
Friday, October 8: Run around town with Keagan as we prepare her for the homecoming court. I know it isn't anything medical, let's just hope it doesn't turn into something needing medical attention! I'll be out of school for the entire day.
Monday, October 11: Surgery - remove the expanders and place permanent implants.
Tuesday, October 19: Post op appointment. Hopefully I'll be able to return to school on the 20th.

I've had a 24 hour pity party for myself. I am so enjoying teaching and my life right now that it frustrates me to think of all of these appointments and facing yet another surgery. I'll get through it though!

Good night!


Monday, September 20, 2010

Time Flies!

Time has been flying by now that school is in full swing! My health and strength have both been cooperating so far. I have had just one appointment that has caused me to miss a half day of teaching, other than that, I have been going at it full speed ahead. Now that my hair is growing in, I have been going without a head cover everywhere I go. It feels so "free" not to have to match my outfit to a head cover :)

The second phase of the reconstruction surgery is scheduled for Monday, October 11. Just as was predicted, that is right in the middle of the MEAP test. A year ago I would have said no way, uhuh, find another time. But now, I think it is perfect. What easy sub the directions and walk around encouraging students to do their best.

Keagan is still struggling with mono. We are going on five weeks, I believe. She feels better, does too much, and gets set back.

Kylie is enjoying her senior year. The reality of this being her last year of high school is settling in. She's been busy with her classes, teacher assisting, working on college applications, and hostessing at the new Salt and Pepper Pub.

This past weekend we had a blast celebrating our parents fiftieth anniversary. The three of us kids hosted a dinner on Saturday night for family and friends at Arboreal Inn. On Sunday morning we all went to Second CRC as the congregation honored them for this occasion. We had a wonderful time and it was especially nice having Brad home from North Carolina.